
For 16 years, we have completed hundreds of projects for global brands in 17 markets around the world, as well as for local companies and institutions. We are proud to present below selected brands and companies for which we have had the pleasure to carry out projects.

Global brands

discovery Logo: discovery
audi Logo: audi
makita Logo: makita
credit-agricole Logo: credit-agricole
bricoman Logo: bricoman
nationalgeo Logo: nationalgeo
eurosport Logo: eurosport
gedeon-richter Logo: gedeon-richter
oriflame Logo: oriflame
hmd Logo: hmd
roshe Logo: roshe
axel-springer Logo: axel-springer
soraya Logo: soraya
bmw Logo: bmw
universal Logo: universal
samsung Logo: samsung
animal-planet Logo: animal-planet
intel Logo: intel
sportsmanagerpro Logo: sportsmanagerpro
axn Logo: axn
tfs Logo: tfs
mazda Logo: mazda
havas-media Logo: havas-media
ikea Logo: ikea
friskies Logo: friskies
pilsnerurquell Logo: pilsnerurquell
carrera Logo: carrera
tlc Logo: tlc
cartoon-network Logo: cartoon-network
e Logo: e
merrell Logo: merrell
lg Logo: lg
midshare Logo: midshare
diva Logo: diva
scifi Logo: scifi
international-guide-dog Logo: international-guide-dog
fox Logo: fox
acer Logo: acer
sage Logo: sage

Local Businesses

ministerstwo-kultury-before ministerstwo-kultury
ministerstwo-edukacji-before ministerstwo-edukacji
urząd-ochrony-danych-osobowych-before urząd-ochrony-danych-osobowych
logo-orlen-gray logo-orlen-color
pałac-kultury-i-nauki-before pałac-kultury-i-nauki
farmio-before farmio
pridica-before pridica
gala-before gala
atlas-arena-before atlas-arena
dialog-before dialog
polsat-before polsat
virtu-before virtu
zak-before zak
4swiss-before 4swiss
burdal-international-before burdal-international
chip-before chip
enter-air-before enter-air
inea-before inea
ipla-before ipla
wojciech-cejrowski-sklep-kolonialny-before wojciech-cejrowski-sklep-kolonialny
tymos-before tymos
ncplus-before ncplus
synthos-before synthos
mikomax-before mikomax
happy-home happyhome-h
be-smart be-smart-h
bursiak bursiak-h
detexpol detexpol-h
emtech emtech-h
energo energo-h
eprosument eprosument-h
esus-it esus-it-h
euros-energy euros-h
exevera exevera-h
f&f f&f-h
go-logis go-logis-h
uniq-logistic uniq-logistic-h
hero-academy hero-academy-h
nszz nszz-h
SklepWedkarski-Logo_graphite-2 SklepWedkarski-Logo_color-2
gardenparts garden-parts-h
geonavi geonavi-h
moondog moon-dog-h
nessi nessi-h
panek panek-h
uniwersytet-gdanski uniwersytet-gdanski-h
signateq signateq-h
uniwex-kotly uniwex-kotle-h
wilhelmsen wilhelmsen-h
recool recool-h
mbros mbros-h
bbq bbq-h
mytrack mytracko-h
appcadabra appcadabra-h

Testimonials - google

Testimonials - Clutch

Jaaqob - clutch rating


In addition to opinions on the Internet, we also have many references that we have received in a traditional, letter form. Click on a document to enlarge it.

10 years of cooperation
in the field of
ATL/BTL/ Digital service

Referencja - Dicovery

2 years of cooperation
in the areas of
visual and creative support

Referencja - The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

UX/UI design
for one of the biggest
retailer in Poland

Referencja - Bricoman

3 years of cooperation
in the fields of comrehensive
strategic and creative services

Referencja - TFS

7 years of cooperation
in the fields of
strategy and creative support

Referencja - NBC

2 years of cooperation
in the fields of comprehensive
strategy and creative services

Referencja - HMD

3 years of cooperation
in the field of
graphic design and creative support

Referencja - Gedeon Richter

10 years of cooperation
in the field of
on-line contests

Referencja - Fox

3 company portals
full digital service

Referencja - Synthos

marketing strategy
full marketing service

Referencja - Thoni

Building a brand from scratch

– from strategy to execution

Referencja - Senegis

3 years of collaboration.

Full UX/UI support

and creative services.

Referencja - ICEIN

Long-term cooperation
in a wide range of creation
and design.

Referencja - Airthings

16 years of experience

and hundreds of

completed projects.

Referencja - Dicovery

10 years of cooperation
in the field of
ATL/BTL/ Digital service

Referencja - The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

2 years of cooperation
in the areas of
visual and creative support

Referencja - Bricoman

UX/UI design
for one of the biggest
retailer in Poland

Referencja - TFS

3 years of cooperation
in the fields of comrehensive
strategic and creative services

Referencja - NBC

7 years of cooperation
in the fields of
strategy and creative support

Referencja - HMD

2 years of cooperation
in the fields of comprehensive
strategy and creative services

Referencja - Gedeon Richter

3 years of cooperation
in the field of
graphic design and creative support

Referencja - Fox

10 years of cooperation
in the field of
on-line contests

Referencja - Synthos

3 company portals
full digital service

Referencja - Thoni

marketing strategy
full marketing service

Referencja - Senegis

Building a brand from scratch

– from strategy to execution

Referencja - ICEIN

3 years of collaboration.

Full UX/UI support

and creative services.

Referencja - Airthings

Long-term cooperation
in a wide range of creation
and design.

16 years of experience

and hundreds of

completed projects.